The liberty Hill Clown Brigade was founded in 2008 and his been educating children and adults through clowning ever since. By using clowns and puppets firefighters spread the word of Fire and Life safety. Some themes that have been taught in the past include, Trick-or-Treating, Night safety, Railroad track and street crossing, bicycle safety, beach safety, school bus safety, cooking safety, bullying, stranger danger, computer safety, toys and tools, smoke detectors, E.D.I.T.H. drills, See Smoke Stay Low Lets Go, electrical safety, and many other Life and Fire Safety Messages.

Sparky the Fire Dog The Sparky the Fire Dog® Web site is brought to you by the nonprofit NFPA, the premier source worldwide for the development and dissemination of knowledge about fire and life safety. For questions or comments about this Web site, please contact NFPA's Public Education Division.

U.S.F.A. Kids Kids, parents and teachers! Learn about home fire safety from the U.S. Fire Administration. Test your knowledge, play games and earn a Jr. Fire Marshal.

ELMO's Fire Safety Game Elmo's Fire Safety Game. Learn fire safety with Elmo. Brought to you by Sesame Workshop.

The Danger RangersThe Danger Rangers are on a mission to reduce preventable child injury by empowering kids and their parents with practical safety information. For example, simple tips like teaching kids to never hide from a firefighter, or keeping matches out of children's reach can significantly reduce the risk of fire-related deaths. Use the tips, activities and products below to make fire safety fun for your kids!
Home Fire Safety: A guide for the Family
Hazards in the Home - Search for hazards that can be found in you home.
PBS KIDS-Fire safety games and tips
PBS KIDS-Fire safety games and tips